What is this place exactly? I honestly haven't the slightest clue as of now, I made this while I was high. Maybe it can just be a central hub for all the dumb accounts I've made over the years so that it's easier to

Born on May 6, 1937 under a truck somewhere in East Bumblefuck, a lowly peasant known simply as BiO-LF (LF standing for "Light Frost" because is was pretty damn chilly for May) would arise from underneath this rusty vehicle and begin his quest for meaning and purpose on this very Earth.
Fast-forward through a bunch of years nobody would care about and we can see that BiO-LF has found meaning through making stupid pictures about stuff the youth of today either doesn't know about or doesn't care about because its old. It ain't much, but it's at least something.
Until the gormless muppet running this site can be bothered to make a proper page for this instead of hiking innawoods, here's a slapped together gallery featuring work that is neither bold, nor brash.